Dr. Yasar Torres-Yaghi speaking about the risk factors for developing PD-related hallucinations and delusions

Parkinson's-related hallucinations and delusions can look different in each individual, and there's no way to accurately predict who will go on to develop them. Although these are more commonly seen in later stages of the disease, it can happen early in the disease as well."
—Dr. Yasar Torres-Yaghi

RISK FACTORS FOR DEVELOPING PD-related hallucinations and delusions

The exact cause of hallucinations and delusions in Parkinson's is unknown. Parkinson's disease (PD) is a central nervous system disorder, and hallucinations and delusions are thought to be part of the natural progression of the disease. These symptoms can be made worse by medications that treat the motor symptoms of PD.

Some of the risk factors for developing PD-related hallucinations and delusions:

Advanced age
The severity of symptoms
How long you've had PD
The longer you've had it, the more at risk you are—but the symptoms can occur early in the disease as well

Even though we can’t predict exactly who will develop these symptoms, there are effective ways to manage them. Your doctor is there to help, so don't hesitate to talk about any changes you notice. Keeping an eye on these signs and having open conversations with your healthcare team can make a big difference.

Click to play the "Who is At Risk?" video


Watch as Ryan shares the lessons his family learned as a result of his father’s PD-related hallucinations and delusions.

A Specialist can help

Parkinson's-related hallucinations and delusions can feel overwhelming, but you're not alone. A specialist—an expert in managing both motor and nonmotor symptoms—can provide clarity and support. Connect with a specialist to better understand these symptoms and discuss treatment options.

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Ready to learn about
a treatment option?

You’ve taken an important step by learning about PD-related hallucinations and delusions. Now plan your next move by exploring a possible treatment option. Remember, only your doctor can determine if a treatment option is right for you.

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